For lawns up-to 5,000 SF
Humic acids are extremely important as a medium for transporting nutrients from the soil to the plant because they can hold onto ionized nutrients, preventing them from leaching away. Humic acids are also attracted to the depletion zone of the plant root. When they arrive at the roots, they bring along water and nutrients the plant needs.
The depletion zone is the area close to the root of a plant from which the root draws (depletes) nutrients. This zone can become particularly depleted if there is a lack of either humic acid or mycorrhizal fungus. When plants are mycorrhizal, the depletion zone is of less importance. Mycorrhizae have hyphae micro-tubes that can extend much further into the soil than the host plant can reach. Humic Acid is a greater molecular weight than Fulvic Acid that can remain in undisturbed soil for centuries, your sod can really benefit from this application.

They can gather mineral nutrition for the benefit of the host plant from outside the depletion zone. Humus is even more critical for plant nutrient availability and uptake if there aren’t healthy mycorrhizal relationships in the soil.
Positive ions are more easily absorbed by a plant’s root because the root has a negative charge. In other words, the positive (cation) is attracted to negative (the living root). Humic acids hold cations (positive ions) in a way they can be more easily absorbed by a plant’s root, improving micronutrient transfer to the plant’s circulation system. This works because humic acids (ulmic, humic, and fulvic) pick up positive ions and are then attracted to the root depletion zone and to the hyphae micro-tubes of mycorrhizae.
Since the root’s negative charge is greater than humic acid biomolecules’ negative charge, scientists theorize that the micronutrients are taken up by the plant’s root and are absorbed by the plant’s circulation system. Some of the micronutrients are released from the humic acid molecule as they enter the root membrane, but we are now realizing that the plant will also uptake some of the lighter molecular-weight humic acids as well.
Emerald Yards uses a truck skid sprayer to apply our “humic acid” at a rate of one pound per ten gallons of water to achieve best results, can you over apply humic acid and damage your lawn or plants? The answer is no, you cannot over apply, but adding too much would only be a waste of expensive material.
One obvious benefit of humus has been the aggregation of clay. This aggregation has made the clay more porous, soft, and aerobic, with better drainage, resulting in deeper root growth of all plants.
Incorporating humic acid applications into your lawn care schedule will:
Increases the water holding capacity of the soil.
Increases the nutrient holding capacity of the soil which in turn means more nutrients are available to your turf when it needs it instead of it leaching out.
Increases soil carbon which in turn increases the soil’s water holding capacity, which means having to water your lawn less saving money
Chelates nutrients which makes them more readily available to the plant - unlocks nutrients.
Excites microbes which benefits soils and also improves nutrient exchange between the plant and the soil.
The thing to keep in mind about humic acid is that it is NOT a fertilizer. Fertilizers are nutrients such as nitrogen, potassium and iron. The nutrients produce a visual result in the color of the lawn directly. Nitrogen and iron especially, will turn your grass green.
Humic acid contains no nutrients in this regard but many folks will still see a visual result after an application or two. This isn’t because the humic acid is feeding the plant, but what it is doing is cheating nutrients from the soil that were just sitting there, unused. Applying the humic acid “unlocks'' those nutrients and brings a visual change to the color of the lawn. This doesn’t happen in every case because some soils just don’t have any nutrients (or much) in them at all, but many do; and it's those nutrients that are locked up as the humic begins to work almost immediately. Because many soils do not have the nutrients it needs to grown a healthy lawn we incorporate liquid fish fertilizer 5-1-1 along with liquid food fertilizer 15-0-15 to really help jump start the process with nearly INSTANT RESULTS. For guaranteed results, and a lawn everyone will envy over, there really is only ONE company to call to get these kind of results, Emerald Yards. "Your Healthy Lawn Specialist".
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